Ardee Fox was Team USA's official mascot, courtesy of April Moell WA6OPS.
Dale Hunt WB6BYU, Foxhunt Coordinator for the Friendship Radiosport Games (left), and Perry Creighton VE7WWP, ARDF Coordinator for Radio Amateurs of Canada, spoke at the opening ceremonies.
WB6BYU draws numbers to determine the competitor starting order for the foxhunts.
Rik Strobbe ON7YD, Chair of the IARU Region 1 ARDF Working Group, teaches the principles of 80 meter ARDF in the common area between the dorm buildings of Reed College.
All competitors were welcome at the Team Leader meeting, where WB6BYU covered the rules and anticipated forest conditions.
In most countries, two-meter ARDF transmitters use horizontally polarized antennas. This turnstile antenna produces an omnidirectional HP pattern when hung in a tree.
All equipment is impounded before the transmitters come on. Competitors can get their gear just before they start, but cannot turn it on until they have run to the end of the starting corridor.
Trees dripped as competitors ran and trotted through Silver Falls State Park, looking for 2m foxes like the one on the left. At right are Kittee Custer KB7WRD and Marvin Johnston KE6HTS.
ARDF is a sport for young, old, and in between. Left is 57-year-old Harley Leach KI7XF. Right is 14-year-old Jay Thompson W6JAY.
Youngest competitor at the Championships was Brian Peddicord KF6DZN, age 12.
The Kazakhstan team consisted of Alexandr Kochergin UN7JR and his two pupils, Tatyana Lyomina and Stanislav Gorbatskiy.
There were five YLs in the competition, including Yoshiko Yamagami JQ1LCW (left) and Kuon Hunt KB7WRG.
Yevgeny Stavitsky UAØCA is considered to be the originator of the Friendship Radiosport Games. He has done friendly competition against the hams of Oregon since 1989.
Competitor's-eye-view of the finish corridor. Yes, it's uphill.
Course Marshals and Jurors kept an eye on the competitors. AL7W watched them on the trail between foxes #5 and #2 on the two meter course.
Richard Thompson WA6NOL on station at the end of the finish corridor, radioing the numbers of incoming runners to the finish line timer.
Preliminary results were posted for all to see near the finish line.
Bryan Ackerly VK3YNG got prompt care after he injured his ankle on the 2m course. Would he be able to run on 80 meters the next day? (Yes)
These last-minute repairs to the 80 meter foxes got all but one on the air. The finish line foxbox was used to replace the failed one.
80 meter ARDF gear is generally much smaller than gear for 2m.
WB6BYU gives the signal to start Junko Ariyoshi JM1JKR and Mike Peddicord KE6ORM on the 80m course.
April Moell WA6OPS (right) took down the finishing times, assisted here by Mrs. Harley Leach.
Streaking through the 80 meter finish line are two Team USA members, Bob Frey WA6EZV and Mike Peddicord KE6OTM.
Two more 80m finishers, John MacConnachie VE7GED of Canada and Futoshi Nomura JE3TSA of Japan.
The 80m finish was downhill, so most runners built up a lot of speed. Here are Jerry Boyd WB8WFK, Ben Young VE7AJT, and his father, Joe Young VE7BFK. At right, Rik Strobbe ON7YD is ready to take their cards and check the punches.
Before and after---Dick Arnett WB4SUV leaving the start and after the finish.
Marvin Johnston KE6HTS (USA) seems cool and calm after finishing the 80m run.
J. Kevin Hunt WA7VTD had a well-stocked First Aid station. Here he helps Brian Peddicord KF6DZN, who was punctured by vegetation that caused his hand to swell temporarily.
Time to relax after the 80m run. Here are Team Canada members Perry Creighton VE7WWP, Rick Williams VE7ASR and John MacConnachie VE7GED.
Two Team Russia members review the map after finishing on 80 meters. They are Mikhail Martynyuk RAØCDJ and Mikhail Zavarookhin RWØCN.
IARU Region 2 President Tom Atkins VE3CDM (right) presented the ARDF medals. Kuon Hunt KB7WRG took Region 2 gold in her division on both bands.
These Team USA members won the Region 2 Senior Male division on both bands. Left to right, they are Aaron Wilson KAØLWY, Gyuri Nagy KF6YKN and Csaba Tiszttarto.
These Region 2 medal-winning Team USA Juniors are Brian Peddicord KF6DZN, Jack Loflin KC7CGK, and Jay Thompson W6JAY.
Region 2 80m individual medal winners in the Old Timer Male division are, left to right, Bob Frey WA6EZV (bronze), Harley Leach KI7XF (gold) and Bob Cooley KF6VSE (silver).
Visitor (Friendship) 2m individual medal winners in the Senior Male division are, left to right, Bryan Ackerly VK3YNG (silver), Bengt Evertsson SM4VMU (gold) and Mikhail Zavarookhin RWØCN (bronze).
Group photo of the participants after the medal ceremony.
Above photos Copyright © 1999 Joseph D. Moell. All rights reserved.
Surfing suggestion: Are you connected with Scouting? Planning for Jamboree-On-The-Air? Foxhunting might be an ideal outdoor activity. Find out more at the Foxhunting for Scouts page at this site.
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This page updated 5 May 2009