For the second year, Schabarum Park near Rowland Heights, CA was the site of a well-attended radio-orienteering event on August 1. Because it was an official practice run for ARDF Team USA members who are preparing for the Championships in Portland the following week, the course was as realistic as possible. Transmissions of the five foxes were 60 seconds each in sequence, tone pitches were the same, and each hunter started down the corridor and turned on his/her receiver exactly as fox #1 came on the air. The shortest distance to all foxes and then to the finish line was about 5.5 km, which is typical for a championship event.
Almost half of the 1999 ARDF Team USA members were in attendance. Non-members (as individuals and small groups) were sent out onto the course after all the individual team members got under way.
In lieu of orienteering flags, all foxboxes were plainly marked with an ARDF version of the orienteering control symbol. All were within 20 yards of a major trail or paved area. Start/end point was at 620 feet elevation. Elevations of foxes ranged from 470 to 680 feet. Apparently some hunters thought that a transmitter was in the bushes near the horse stables, much to the annoyance of one riding instructor. Actually, this fox was 250 yards away, along the trail.
Individual or team Foxes Time *Gyuri Nagi HA3PA 5 1:10:45 J. Scott Bovitz N6MI 5 1:22:02 *Marvin Johnston KE6HTS 5 1:35:56 Bob Dengler NO6B 5 1:42:41 *Jay Thompson W6JAY 5 3:12:52 *Bob Cooley KF6VSE 5 3:41:30 Glenn Allen KE6HPZ 4 1:33:19 *Brian Peddicord KF6DZN 4 2:33:20 *Richard Thompson WA6NOL 4 3:17:39 W6IKE/KD6HER/W4JCI 3 1:40:38 Dick Palmer WB6JDH 3 1:56:51 KE6OAR/KE6OAQ & family 3 2:14:15 Shawn Ewald 3 3:14:44 *Mike Peddicord KE6OTM 2 2:02:55 Richard Clark N6UZS 1 1:57:17 * indicates ARDF Team USA member
Note that KE6HTS, W6JAY, and KF6VSE are in age divisions that only require them to find four of the five foxes in formal championship events. They chose to go for all five on this occasion, to get some extra practice.
Thanks to everyone who participated. Special thanks to April WA6OPS who handled prizes, snacks, and many other duties. Also thanks to Gyuri HA3PA who gave lots of good advice to the attendees and to Shawn Ewald who brought equipment for loan from the CalTech Orienteering Club.
Joe Moell K0OV
USA ARDF Coordinator
KE6OAR and KE6OAQ took the entire family out on the course and had a great time.
Surfing suggestion: Find out more about upcoming ARDF events at the Latest Championship Foxhunting News page of this site.
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This page updated 20 January 2000