A Video that Explains and Promotes ARDF

ARVN logoGary Pearce KN4AQ It's difficult to convey its excitement of ARDF with words and still photos.  Plenty of video has been taken at local and national ARDF events, but until 2006, nobody had put it in a program that explains the principles of radio-orienteering to beginners in an entertaining way.

Gary Pearce, KN4AQ, who lives near Umstead Park, documented every aspect of the 2006 USA Championships with help from Steve Worley, KB4HDQ.  Then Gary, who freelances in audio-video production, edited all this footage into almost 40 minutes of tutorials and fast-paced action.  You can see just what it's like to get bearings on 80-meter transmitters with null-seeking antennas and to resolve two-meter bearings in multipath conditions.  Gary and Steve went into the woods to follow speedy competitors such as Jay Thompson W6JAY and to watch skilled hunters approach the fox transmitters.

The new video was premiered to an enthusiastic audience at an ARDF forum of the ARRL Southwestern Division convention in San Diego.  Now its entire length is available as "Ham Radio Now" Episode 134 on the Web.  Gary might still has some DVDs of the video, which would make an excellent program for your local radio club.  Show it to local orienteers, too. To find out if you can get it on DVD (and to thank him for making a wonderful video), write to Gary: kn4aq at arvn dot tv

Click to view the video  (Starts at 5:15 in the episode)

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This page updated 4 September 2016