Results of Southern California
Radio-Orienteering Events in 2002

(In reverse order by date)

Wildwood Park Foxhunt photos

Wildwood Park ARDF on 12/7/02 (Photos above)

The last southern California radio-orienteering event of 2002 was held at Wildwood Park in Thousand Oaks, hosted by Dean Dods KD6I and Marvin Johnston KE6HTS. Last time we did ARDF in Wildwood Park, it was a hot day in August and there wasn't much shade. This time, the temperature stayed in the 60's and there was a stiff breeze. The rain clouds remained on the horizon, so everybody stayed dry and worked up a big appetite for the tri-tips. It was so cool that Dean had to take the beans and bread home for microwaving. Young champion Jay W6JAY was seven minutes faster on the course than he was last time at Huntington Central Park, but he was still edged out by three older participants. Training paid off for many, because the terrain was hilly.

Here are the results for all participants who found at least one transmitter:


Marvin Johnston KE6HTS     1:14:14  5

Rick Barrett KE6DKF        1:15:44  5

Bob Cooley KF6VSE          1:17:06  5

Jay Thompson W6JAY         1:17:40  5

Scott Moore KF6IKO         2:15:30  5

Travis Wood AE6GA          3:39:50  4
  with Roy ?

Jay Hennigan WB6RDV        1:52:30  3

Dennis Schwendtner WB6OBB  2:13:44  3
  with Robert Hanson W6RH

Richard Thompson WA6NOL    3:04:30  3

Ron Hudson KF6GKU          2:27:15  1 

Bill Smathers KG6HXX       3:05:45  1

Two of the above advanced teams incorrectly punched in at a beginner transmitter that was across the street from one of the IARU transmitters. Terry Newman N6USF correctly searched for and found both of the 2-meter beginner transmitters, but he was not timed.


Dean Dods KD6I        15:15

Jay Hennigan WB6RDV   21:23

Paul Wendee KG6MKI    25:40

Rick Barrett KE6DKF   Not timed 

Many thanks to Dean and Marvin for hosting, and to all who attended.

Joe Moell KØOV

Huntington Central Park Foxhunt photos

Huntington Central Park ARDF on 10/12/02 (Photos above)

What a fine day for radio-orienteering we had in Huntington Central Park on October 12. Skies were cloudy but bright, making perfect temperatures for running or walking. Even with a big dog show and a charity walk going on, there was plenty of room in this big park for the fox transmitters and all 27 foxhunters. Ham radio operators took to the trails along with with members of Los Angeles Orienteering club and Bay Area Orienteering Club. Even a couple of passing-by park patrons stopped and gave it a try.

Representing ARDF Team USA, just back from the World Championships in Slovakia, Marvin Johnston KE6HTS cut the official "Welcome Home" cake for all to enjoy. The new 80-meter ARDF sets from China have very low audio output, so some bench work will be necessary before next time. But there was still enough 80m ARDF gear to get several persons out to find the single 80m transmitter.

Here are the results for all participants who found at least one transmitter:


Dean Dods KD6I           0:57:05  5

Marvin Johnston KE6HTS   1:07:40  5

Jay Thompson W6JAY       1:24:22  5

Richard Thompson WA6NOL  1:45:17  5

Scot Barth KA6UDZ        1:56:40  5

Gary Holoubek WB6GCT     1:56:59  5

John Panner              2:53:40  4

Rich Jerrard             2:53:58  4

Bill Smathers KG6HXX     2:55:58  4

Ananda Ranasinghe        2:53:56  2


Tony Boegeman WA6ZMZ     3:02:06  9
with Joe Loughlin KE6PHB

Tom Gaccione WB2LRH      2:42:25  8

Martin Hasa KB6MAH       2:48:08  5
with Kerry Hasa

Bill Gentile WB6CMD      0:57:34  4

Art Tanaka WA6TKO        1:44:05  4
with Joyce, Julia and Nikk

Frank Shannon KR6AL      1:46:30  4

Ethan Gentile            0:28:35  1
with Dan Gentile


Jay Thompson W6JAY    10:05

Art Tanaka WA6TKO     26:38

Pete Panos KE6UJA     44:47

Special recognition goes to Richard Thompson WA6NOL for being the most improved hunter and to Nikk and Julia Tanaka, who were the best beginner hunters. Thanks to everyone who came out, especially the advanced hunters who took time to help the beginners.

Joe Moell KØOV

El Dorado Park Foxhunt photos

El Dorado Park ARDF on 8/10/02 (Photos above)

It was our first time for this park, and we'll definitely come back again! The combination of Associated Radio Amateurs of Long Beach (ARALB), SuperSystem, Orange County RACES and the usual independent hunters made this by far the best attended ARDF session we've ever had in southern California. Over 40 persons took to the course.

There are many people to thank, besides all who attended of course. David Corsiglia WA6TWF, John Luthy KF6QCQ and others from the SuperSystem put on a fine lunch, with hamburgers, hot dogs, great Korean ribs, and potluck donations. Ray Rittenhouse KF6WZN, Dennis Kidder WA6NIA and others from ARALB helped secure this great park. (Aren't you glad we weren't back at Schabarum on such a hot day?) April Moell WA6OPS ran the start/finish timing like clockwork with help from Cindy Hughes KC6OPI and her daughter Missy. Bruce Chappell KE6TSM of HDSCS and the Bobby Sherman Volunteer EMT Foundation provided first-aid support.

Below are results for participants who found at least one transmitter, with elapsed time and number found.


Marvin Johnston KE6HTS   1:22:43  5

Rick Barrett KE6DKF      1:40:42  5

Jay Thompson W6JAY       1:47:55  5

Dean Dods KD6I           1:59:40  5

Bob Cooley KF6VSE        2:07:22  5

Scot Barth KA6UDZ        1:55:10  4

Scott Moore KF6IKO       1:56:30  4


Tony Boegeman WA6ZMZ     2:33:15  6
with Joe Loughlin KE6PHB

Dennis Kidder WA6NIA     2:09:43  5
with John Rogers KF6TTR and Scott Carpenter

Dick Dabney W5UFZ        3:14:40  5
with Mark Ross and Bob Moore N6RRM

Ron Wolfgang KB7MLK      3:01:40  4
with Shawn Adair KB7AWG

Tom Gaccione WB2LRH      2:12:12  2

Art Tanaka WA6TKO        0:47:10  1
with Joyce, Julia and Nikk

Carl Schmid KG6KYJ       1:32:33  1

Peter Deeley KF6RGW      1:47:40  1

Richard Thompson WA6NOL  1:51:02  1

70 cm (440 MHz) (2 FOXES)

John Luthy KF6QCQ        0:44:23  2
with Tom Paquette N6OT and ???

Rich Lake KQ6YR          0:56:20  2
with Vicki Worshum 

Peter Panos KE6UJA       1:29:55  1
with Frank Heyer K6HOX

Mark Hlavaty KE6JMR      ?:??:??  1 (split group)
with ???


Bob Cooley KF6VSE        25:16

Dean Dods KD6I           27:15

Scott Moore KF6IKO       35:00

Scot Barth KA6UDZ        46:10

Marvin Johnston KE6HTS   47:10

Ray Grimes W6RYS   about 35:00  Unofficial time
with Richie Grimes KF6WVY

Joe Moell KØOV

Mile Square Park Foxhunt photos

Mile Square Park ARDF on 4/6/02 (Photos above)

Great weather and a flat course made for excellent competitor times for our second radio-O session at Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley. Below are the final results. Names are followed by elapsed time and number of transmitters found.


Jay Thompson W6JAY       0:52:24  5

Marvin Johnston KE6HTS   0:59:29  5

Bob Dengler NO6B         1:13:14  5

Dean Dods KD6I           1:28:16  5

Gary Holoubek WB6GCT     2:14:28  5

Buddy Dods KG6EPB        2:27:38  5

Scott Moore KF6IKO       1:40:52  4

Richard Thompson WA6NOL  1:13:28  2

Bill Smathers KG6HXX     2:58:15  2

BEGINNER 2m COURSE (4 foxes)

Shawn Adair KB7AWG       1:32:40  4
  with Ron Wolfgang KB7MLK

Steve Waechter KC6TLO    1:14:58  1
  with Daniel Waechter KE6LIX

80 METERS (1 fox)

Jay Thompson W6JAY       0:22:25

Paul Wendee              0:27:03
  with Sarah and Samantha Wendee

Scott Moore and Marvin Johnson were not timed on 80m due to apparent transmitter tampering by non-participating park patrons.

Joe Moell KØOV

Hillcrest Park Foxhunt photos

Hillcrest Park ARDF on 2/16/02 (Photos above)

It was a perfect day for radio-orienteering at Hillcrest Park in Fullerton. The overcast and early morning drizzle gave way to wispy clouds and cool temperatures.

Coming from San Diego to Santa Barbara and east to Lancaster and Yucca Valley, fifteen hams signed in and took to the course. There were a total of ten fox transmitters awaiting them, including five "advanced" two-meter units on 146.565 MHz in an IARU-rules sequence, four more "beginner" two-meter foxboxes on different frequencies, plus an 80-meter bonus fox.

Hunters were free to go after as many transmitters as they wished, as individuals or in teams. Some of them, including KE6HTS, KF6IKO, and W6JAY, were "going for score" as they practiced for the USA National Championships in Atlanta and sought positions on ARDF Team USA for the World Championships in Slovakia. Others were just "getting their feet wet," but they would be welcome in Atlanta also.

Hillcrest Park is an ideal venue for practicing and learning. It's only 40 acres, but the steep hills add physical difficulty and make it easy to conceal transmitters so that hunters don't see others finding them.

The two-meter results below show elapsed time and number of foxes found in that time.

Name & Call                Time    Begin   Adv

Tony Boegeman WA6ZMZ      1:22:58    4      5
  with Joe Corones N6SZO

Marvin Johnston KE6HTS    1:04:08    0      5

Jay Thompson W6JAY        1:11:26    0      5

Scott Moore KF6IKO        2:07:45    0      5

John Panner KD6CQR        2:29:00    0      5

Travis Wood KG6AUR        2:05:48    0      4

Richard Thompson WA6NOL   0:57:50    0      3

Frank Shannon KR6AL       0:55:15    5      0
  with Art Tanaka WA6TKO

Alvin Artis KG6IUB        3:01:34    2      0
  with Daniel Artis KG6IUC

Bill Smathers KG6HXX      1:19:25    Lost card

Phill Locke KE6LQO        0:47:50    Lost card

Here are the 80m finders and their times. (A couple of other hunters punched in at the 80m transmitter, thinking it was one of the 2m foxes. Verify the signal before you punch!)

Name                        Time
Marvin Johnston KE6HTS    0:06:50
Scott Moore KF6IKO        0:07:02
Richard Thompson WA6NOL   0:13:33
John Panner KD6CQR        0:42:30
Tuck Miller NZ6T          1:02:38

Hunters were faster on 80 meters because there was only one transmitter and it was on all the time. Also, 80m signals "hug the earth" and don't bounce from hills, buildings, and so forth.

Joe Moell KØOV

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This page updated 22 July 2004