Radio-Orienteering News and Results

For Southern California

Hidden transmitter hunting under international rules (also called radio-orienteering, fox-tailing, foxhunting and ARDF) now takes place regularly in southern California.  Some participants are training for upcoming national and international competitions, but most are just out there for fun and exercise.  Here's the latest information on these informal sessions.

Next Event:  To be announced.  For e-mail notification of these sessions, you can join the southern California ARDF mailing list.


Mission Bay Park ARDF
Mission Bay Park ARDF on 5/18/2024
Photos above by Joe Corones N6SZO
Report below by Joe Corones N6SZO and Joe Loughlin KE6PHB

This year's San Diego annual on-foot transmitter hunt and barbecue was held in the Mission Bay Area, adjacent to Vacation Village.  It was attended by a total of 34 individuals with 29 of them attempting to locate the five hidden transmitters strategically located around the island.  We had great weather and a very good turnout with eleven new faces, some hams and some not.  We also had an interesting range of teams hunting with six single hunters, six 2-person teams, two 3-person teams and one 5-person team.  We did not experience any equipment malfunctions and had enough sniffer antennas for those who just came out to see what really happens on an on-foot hunt.

The results:

Single teams
  Bill Wright WB6CMD                                     5 Ts   0:35 
  Casey Latoski KN4QKF                                   5 Ts   1:55 
  Conrad Lara KG6JEI                                     5 Ts   2:08 
  Robert Hagler KJ6ZLZ                                   4 Ts   3:00 
  Robert Hernandez KM6LBU                                3 Ts   1:26 
  Scott Braden KA6SCB                                    3 Ts   1:35 

Two-person teams
  Matt Tucker N6EAJ and Ed Hall ex-KI6JMK                5 Ts   1:20 
  Bill Hober KM6ORF and Pam Hober                        5 Ts   1:29 
  Greg Spaulding W6BAF and Karen Spaulding KI6FON        5 Ts   1:35 
  Dhanyatha Vimalathithan KO6ASF and father, Vimal       4 Ts   2:05 
  Delbert Felton and Sarah Kemato                        4 Ts   2:20 
  Michael McMahon KM6PCV and Ken Holcomb W6OLL           2 Ts   1:30 

Three-person teams
  Tim Marshall AJ6XP, Ian, Isaac                         5 Ts   2:15 
     (3 generations)
  Michael Wheeley K6MRW, Juntima, Anabaella              3 Ts   1:30 

Five-person team
  Bill Elkerkton W6ZM, Robin KM6OUL, Bryan, Nikki, Noah  5 Ts   1:27 
     (3 generations)

We want to thank two of our regular T-Hunters here in the San Diego area for assistance in putting on this hunt.  Bill Hober KM6ORF assisted us in the morning by holding down our spot and guarding the doughnuts while we were placing the hidden T’s.  Conrad Lara KG6JEI was also helpful by sticking around after everyone else left to help us pack everything up into the vehicles.  It was a good day, we hope everyone had a good time.

Joe Corones N6SZO
Joe Loughlin KE6PHB

Hillcrest Park ARDF
Hillcrest Park ARDF on 5/4/2024
Photos above by Joe Moell KØOV and Bob Houghton AD6QF
Report below by Joe Moell KØOV

It would be hard to top the weather at Hillcrest Park for this year's Antennas In The Park.  Sunburn and heat exhaustion weren't risks this time.  As usual, Marvin Johnston KE6HTS arrived from Santa Barbara with a box full of antenna/attenuator kits, but most of the foxhunt participants had brought their own.  The three talking two-meter practice transmitters, all on different frequencies, were a little farther away from the Izaak Walton cabin this year, but most of the intrepid hunters found them.

The advanced course featured five two-meter transmitters, intended to transmit on the same frequency for sixty seconds each in numbered sequence, then repeating, per international rules.  They were placed near the trails in the far reaches of the park.  Unfortunately transmitter #2 (MOI) didn't respond to the start command.  Champion radio-orienteer Bill Wright WB6CMD, the first to start out, found the four operating foxes in under 31 minutes.  Just as he finished, MOI came on continuously, interfering with the other transmitters.  So Bill ran out to track it down and silence it, making him the only one to find that transmitter.

In the rush to help the beginners (and get a little lunch), I didn't get complete timing and foxes-found data for all of the other participants in the main foxhunt.  They were:

     The Lin family:  Aaron KN6ZTV, Cynthia KO6AKO and Eleazar KO6AKP
     Scot Barth KA6UDZ
     Tom Smith KB6A

Formal ARDF competitions have events on 80 meters, so I also put out an 80-meter transmitter to find.  WB6CMD bagged it in just over seven minutes.

Meanwhile, on the hilltop north of the cabin, Dick Palmer WB6JDH and Bill Phinizy K6IHP set up and operated a station for the HF bands with a big trap vertical antenna.

A lot of people pitched in to make this year's event a big success.  Robert AD6XJ and Jenna WWØMAN Canillas helped beginners learn to take bearings and find foxes.  Bob Houghton AD6QF supplied the food and Albert Solomon AG6OF cooked up a great lunch.  April Moell WA6OPS brought the traditional Foxhunting Weekend cake.  And last but far from least, Gene KB6CMO and Cheryl KE6TZU Thorpe arranged for access to the cabin for all to enjoy.  Thanks to everyone who came out!

Joe Moell KØOV

Results and Photos of ARDF Events in Recent Years

SoCal 2023 -- Southern California practice/demonstration events of 2023, including Hillcrest Park and Balboa Park.

SoCal 2022 -- Southern California practice/demonstration events of 2022, including Hillcrest Park, Felicita Park and Yuma Hamfest.

SoCal 2021 -- Southern California practice/demonstration events of 2021, including Lake Los Carneros, Hillcrest Park and Bonelli Regional Park.  (No events in 2020 due to COVID-19)

SoCal 2019 -- Southern California practice/demonstration events of 2019, including Bonelli Regional Park, Mt. Pinos, Guajome Regional Park, Hillcrest Park, Mission Viejo Community Park, Yuma Hamfest and Lake Los Carneros.

SoCal 2018 -- Southern California practice/demonstration events of 2018, including Hillcrest Park, Lake Los Carneros (2), Mt. Pinos, Santa Fe Dam, Mission Bay Park and Bonelli Regional Park.

April 19 - 23, 2023 -- 22nd USA Radio-Orienteering Championships near Sulfur Springs, TX.

April 7 - 10, 2022 -- 21st USA ARDF Championships near Triangle, VA.

October 14 - 17, 2021 -- Twentieth USA ARDF Championships in North Carolina.

July 28 - August 4, 2019 -- Nineteenth USA and Tenth IARU Region 2 ARDF Championships near Raleigh, NC.

June 13 - 17, 2018 -- Eighteenth USA ARDF Championships near Truckee, CA.

For results and stories of events before 2018, see this site's Table of Contents

THRDFS cover Go to Championship Foxhunting News -- Results of recent international competitions and announcements of upcoming ones.

Go to International-Style Foxhunting Comes To The Americas -- How we're getting the ball rolling

Go to Equipment Ideas for Radio-Orienteering -- Simple and inexpensive receiving and transmitting solutions

Go to Foxhunting for Scouts -- Let's get the kids involved

Go to Electronic Scoring for ARDF -- What it is, how it works, and why it's gaining popularity.

Go to Extenders Aid Handicapped Foxhunters -- A novel way to include persons with disabilities

Go to Local ARDF Contacts -- Links to hams and groups that are doing international-style foxhunting in North America and around the world.

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This page updated 27 May 2024